
Monday, September 15, 2008

A Robust Faith

Whether we are up against the agents of the NWO or the Islamization of our culture, we need a robust faith.

Jesus encourages a robust faith.

‘Seek first the kingdom…all these other things will be given to you as well.’ [Mt 6:33]
‘Since John the Baptist came, up to this present time, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence and the violent are taking it by storm.’ [Mt 11:12] This is the violence of wrestling and God rewards wrestlers. [See Gen 32:29-31] ‘Have faith in God. In truth I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, “Be pulled up and thrown into the sea”, with no doubt in his heart, but believing that what he says will happen, it will be done for him.” [Mk 11:22-23]
‘In truth I tell you, whoever believes in me will perform the same works as I do myself, and will perform even greater works because I am going to the Father.’ [Jn 14:12]

The Vision of Faith is Massive.

At its core faith is about salvation from sin through the person of Jesus. But faith is not just a "me and Jesus thing". God's plan for saving the world is to use a People that is devoted to him and is immersed in humanity.
This People is called the Church and it's mission is to establish the Kingdom of God in the world right now. That is why the Church is called 'The Universal Sacrament of Salvation.'
When Jesus returns in glory, "The whole of creation itself must be freed from the slavery of corruption and brought into the same glorious freedom of as the children of God." [Romans 8:21]Wow!!

Writing of such robustness, Scot McKnight has a good article "The 8 Marks of a Robust Gospel" in Christianity Today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


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Rev. Robert Wright