
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Harry Potter and the Small Step

As a child the first book I read cover-to-cover was a Western. The first thing that I saved up to buy with my pocket money was a cap gun. My parents were not afraid of me turning to a life of violent crime because of the big step between play-acting and handling real guns. Later when I did start handling guns, the first lesson I was given was in weapons safety. Later, in the army, weapons safety was drilled into me.

Today, the first book a child may read cover-to-cover could be about the occult. Children’s interest in such books as the Harry Potter series provide us with a great opportunity to teach our children not only to handle unseen forces but to overcome them with the power of Jesus.

Unlike the imaginative world of Westerns, there is a very small step for us from play-acting about unseen forces to actively summoning and using them. Our own children could well have been the objects of such destructive behaviour. When I was a child my parents taught me how to look after myself when faced with physical and emotional bullying. Today we could well add the psychic dimension to such parental guidance.

The most important thing for our children to know is that God loves them.  Jesus protects them from all forms of evil. If they love God and do what he wants then psychic attacks and evil curses are going to bounce off them and often they won’t even know about it.

The next important thing is that those who use spells and such things need help. So if your children think that others are doing something creepy then tell them to ask God to bless those people. This will confuse whatever unseen forces they are trying to use.  It will also show them that the goodness of God is better than whatever they are using.

Then it is helpful for our children to know that there are good beings in the unseen realm too. These are our Angels and Saints. Two encouraging prayers are the Prayer to St Michael and the Prayer to the Guardian Angels. The Rosary is another powerful prayer.

With so many occult films and television programmes around these days, we can say that unseen influences have become accepted into the fabric of the contemporary culture. Our Children need to learn how to overcome the destructive influences they portray. They need to know in a practical way that Jesus is the Lord of everything, seen and unseen. So here is a great prayer and a great proclamation for creepy situations:

 “Every knee shall bend, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” (Philippians 2:10-11)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Jews opposed to Zionism

In 1990 I was on a ship that docked at Zada on the Adriatic Coast of Yugoslavia. The place looked so inhospitable. When I came ashore further down the coast at Split, I had a similar impression. The outward indicators were that the officials were officious; the modern architecture was bland; there were few flowers around the streets. Others had told me that you get a certain feeling in a Socialist country. And I felt it. The feeling was more normal when I mixed among the local people.

Surprisingly, I had a similar feeling as I flew into Tel Aviv for the first time, which surprised me. And it was there when I visited a kibbutz which had been founded by people with a socialist mind-set. I had thought that Israel would be a bigger version of my childhood neighbours’ place.

As a child, I had lived for a time next door to the Jewish Club in Wellington, New Zealand, a few years after the Second World War. The cook’s son and I played together. I still remember the fresh platted bread loaves with sesame or poppy seeds on top. Sometimes I would see men with a haunted look at the club and my mother told me that they had suffered in the war. Even with these sad reminders of the recent past, there was a sense of hospitality and of faith in God about the club.

 Things fell into place when I came across Jewish people on the Internet who are opposed to Zionism. Their beliefs seemed much closer to the ones that I had experienced as a gentile child amongst Jews.

Jews opposed to Zionism think that secular Jews have taken matters into their own hands to get back the Promised Land.  From my reading of it, Jews opposed to Zionism believe that they were dispossessed of their land in the first century because they had been unfaithful to God and His Law. God would restore them to the Holy Land in his time and in his way.

Inspired by their earlier history, they say that the Jewish people are to be productive citizens in their places of exile. (See Jeremiah 29:7, 10) God will intervene by choosing a gentile instrument like King Cyrus (See 2 Chronicles 36:19-13) who would provide them with the help to return home. They are to believe and not to interfere in God’s work.

Such an approach does raise interesting questions. Do Zionists unwittingly carry out the socialist plans of their financial backers?  Does God have a plan to restore the Jewish People to their historic homeland so that they can live in peace and justice with the people around them?  Are the Muslims neighbours not so much opposed to people of Jewish faith as they are to secular Zionists? In other words, do they smell a rat, something to do with a socialist New World Order?

The faith of the Jews opposed to Zionism inspires me to think even further. They believe that God will restore them in his time and in his way to their land. The God they worship is also ‘the God of all the kingdoms of the world’ (Isaiah 37:16). Then, if the Christians among us are as faithful to our Gospel as they are to be to their Law, the Peace of Christ will come to the earth. (See Luke 2:14)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Growing Force

A friend of mine, in New Zealand, wrote the other day:

"The 2006 Census shows that there are approximately 35,000 Muslims in New Zealand. This figure has doubled twice since 1996 and reminded me that Islam is a growing force in our country. It is not the small minority group that it once was. It numbers above other predominant groups such as Jehovah's witnesses', Assemblies of God, SDA's and the Salvation Army just to name a few.

there is an old adage that says 'there is safety in numbers', there is also power in numbers in a world which values democracy as a foundation of our political system."

Given that in NZ we have a "Mixed Member Proportional" representation (MMP) in our parliament, it is easy for a relatively small group to bring about changes in the law.

Why the Violence?

A cobber of mine, Wyn, who is a retired businessman in his early 90s, wrote this the other day:

People say: "A violent society doesn't just happen. Its the economy." - Yeah, Right!

In New Zealand in 1999 there were 39688 recorded Violent Crime offences and in 2007 there were 56983, which is an increase of 43.6%. THere were 110458 reported Domestic Violence offences, increasing by 119.6% to 24258 in 2007. Abortions went from 15501 to 18382, an increase of 18.65.

There are many other statistics that could be quoted, but that’s enough.
Teachers are resigning because of the abuse and assaults they have to endure.

I was asked a silly question, “How can God allow this sort of thing to happen”.
What’s it got to do with God?

For years we have been telling God to get out of our schools and our government.
We have failed to understand that separation of church and state does not mean that we should abandon the values that European civilisation has been built on.
How can we expect God to give us His protection if we ask Him to get out?

We have persistently declared that we are a secular nation.
Prayer in state schools has been discouraged.
The Bible teaches us “Don’t Kill”, “Don’t steal” and “love your neighbour”
Teaching Bible in state schools as part of the curriculum is forbidden.

Then we passed laws to arrest parents who spank their children, when they misbehave, Labour and National both voted for this under the whip, but 86% of the population did not approve.

Then someone told the teachers you can’t discipline the children in school, and we wonder why there is no respect for authority. In some state schools it is near chaos.

Then the state decided that our daughters could have an abortion even if they were under 16, without telling their parents. They said boys will be boys and they will have their sex in any case so supply them with condoms and we won’t tell their parents. Then we wonder why there are so many minors having babies, and why there are so many solo mothers and why there are so many abortions.

Then someone in Government said it doesn’t matter what we do in private so long as we do what we are paid for and we wonder why we have so much corruption in high places.

Then they said lets publish nudity and call it appreciation of the female form.
Lets have explicit sex on T.V. and call it art.
Lets allow profanity and call it being real.
Lets flood the children’s T.V. with violence and call it entertainment.
Lets play lyrics that encourage suicide, murder and satanic themes and call it entertainment.

Now we wonder why our children have no conscience, scrawl graffiti, steal cars and treat them as expendable because there’s plenty more where they came from, and in any case the insurance companies will pay for them.

But when it comes to our computers we say Garbage in Garbage out.

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Friday, October 3, 2008

The NEW AGE Factor

There is a New Age component in this conflict between Christian Civilization and the New World Order.
In 2003 the Roman Curia published a Christian reflection on the “New Age”, entitled “Jesus Christ, the Bearer of the Water of Life.” The Curial groups involved gave a sympathetic view of the New Age Movement (NAM). But they also pointed out that the NAM is an agent to bring a one world religion:
'New Age shares with a number of internationally influential groups the goal of superseding or transcending particular religions in order to create space for a universal religion which could unite humanity. Closely related to this is a very concerted effort on the part of many institutions to invent a Global Ethic, an ethical framework which would reflect the global nature of contemporary culture, economics and politics.' (2.5)

They also point to the roots of NAM in freemasonry and its associates of previous centuries:
'The essential matrix of New Age thinking is to be found in the esoteric-theosophical tradition which was fairly widely accepted in European intellectual circles in the 18th and 19th centuries. It was particularly strong in freemasonry, spiritualism, occultism and theosophy, which shared a kind of esoteric culture.' (2.3.2)

Today, the NAM is an active component in bringing about the New World Order:
'The global brain needs institutions with which to rule, in other words, a world government. “To deal with today's problems New Age dreams of a spiritual aristocracy in the style of Plato's Republic, run by secret societies...”(Michel Lacroix) This may be an exaggerated way of stating the case, but there is much evidence that gnostic élitism and global governance coincide on many issues in international politics.' (

The present day influences on the NAM are anti-Christian:
'It must never be forgotten that many of the movements which have fed the New Age are explicitly anti-Christian. Their stance towards Christianity is not neutral, but neutralising: despite what is often said about openness to all religious standpoints, traditional Christianity is not sincerely regarded as an acceptable alternative.' (6.1)

They deny the core of Christianity, which is the reality of sin and salvation:
'There is no sin; there is only imperfect knowledge. … There is no need for Revelation or Salvation which would come to people from outside themselves, but simply a need to experience the salvation hidden within themselves (self-salvation), by mastering psycho- physical techniques which lead to definitive enlightenment.' (

The NAM is the old Gnosticism of the early Christian era dressed up to look new:
‘But what really is new is that New Age is a conscious search for an alternative to Western culture and its Judaeo-Christian religious roots.' (3.1)

It is an old conflict. The early Christians handled it well. They took the aspirations of the Gnostics and showed that they are fulfilled in Jesus Christ, as the hymn in Colossians 1:15- 20 shows. (See 3.3)

Friday, September 19, 2008


Yesterday I read, “Lynn Forester De Rothschild to Back McCain and Not Obama.” This got me thinking about who in the Global Elite is pulling the strings of these two candidates.

Searching the internet for a connection between McCain and Rothschild, I found out that two senior Rothschilds had organised a fund-raising dinner for McCain in London on the return leg of Senator McCain’s visit to Israel.

The Obama and Rothschild search produced nothing substantive. So I looked for an Obama and Rockefeller connection. I found that Senator Rockefeller endorsed Obama for the Democratic nomination for the U.S. presidency, at a pivotal moment in February. Not only that, but Abigniew Brezezinski was chosen at Senator Obama’s foreign relations advisor. Brezezinski co-founded the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller, who is the doyen of the Rockefeller clan. The Rockefellers are the American surrogates of the European Rothschilds.

As much as I enjoy watching the contest between Senator McCain and Senator Obama, I don’t have to look far to see the influence of the International Elite. The contestants look rather like two marionettes being controlled by the two hands of the same manipulator.

Click here for Lynn Forester De Rothschild.
Click here or here for the McCain and Rothschild connection.
Click here and here and here for the Obama - Brezezinski - Rockefeller connections.
This blog does not endorse the sentiments of these sites

Who will control the new President?

A responder to my previous blog directed me to an article "Who will control the new President?" found here. This article is in PDF format in the Republic magazine. Click on page 30 in the sidebar.

I cannot vouch for the accusations in the article. The value of the article is that it gives an overall picture of who is pulling the strings. It is two hands of the same group.

Don't let knowledge of behind-the-scenes activity detract from 'the show'. After all, both campaigns are pouring millions of dollars into their production. They are much better than soap-opera