
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Why the Violence?

A cobber of mine, Wyn, who is a retired businessman in his early 90s, wrote this the other day:

People say: "A violent society doesn't just happen. Its the economy." - Yeah, Right!

In New Zealand in 1999 there were 39688 recorded Violent Crime offences and in 2007 there were 56983, which is an increase of 43.6%. THere were 110458 reported Domestic Violence offences, increasing by 119.6% to 24258 in 2007. Abortions went from 15501 to 18382, an increase of 18.65.

There are many other statistics that could be quoted, but that’s enough.
Teachers are resigning because of the abuse and assaults they have to endure.

I was asked a silly question, “How can God allow this sort of thing to happen”.
What’s it got to do with God?

For years we have been telling God to get out of our schools and our government.
We have failed to understand that separation of church and state does not mean that we should abandon the values that European civilisation has been built on.
How can we expect God to give us His protection if we ask Him to get out?

We have persistently declared that we are a secular nation.
Prayer in state schools has been discouraged.
The Bible teaches us “Don’t Kill”, “Don’t steal” and “love your neighbour”
Teaching Bible in state schools as part of the curriculum is forbidden.

Then we passed laws to arrest parents who spank their children, when they misbehave, Labour and National both voted for this under the whip, but 86% of the population did not approve.

Then someone told the teachers you can’t discipline the children in school, and we wonder why there is no respect for authority. In some state schools it is near chaos.

Then the state decided that our daughters could have an abortion even if they were under 16, without telling their parents. They said boys will be boys and they will have their sex in any case so supply them with condoms and we won’t tell their parents. Then we wonder why there are so many minors having babies, and why there are so many solo mothers and why there are so many abortions.

Then someone in Government said it doesn’t matter what we do in private so long as we do what we are paid for and we wonder why we have so much corruption in high places.

Then they said lets publish nudity and call it appreciation of the female form.
Lets have explicit sex on T.V. and call it art.
Lets allow profanity and call it being real.
Lets flood the children’s T.V. with violence and call it entertainment.
Lets play lyrics that encourage suicide, murder and satanic themes and call it entertainment.

Now we wonder why our children have no conscience, scrawl graffiti, steal cars and treat them as expendable because there’s plenty more where they came from, and in any case the insurance companies will pay for them.

But when it comes to our computers we say Garbage in Garbage out.

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